The Clovis East Wind Ensemble is under the direction of Mr. Scott Downs, Director of Bands, with assistance from Mr. Levi Dougherty, Director of Percussion, and Mr. Timothy Childs, Associate Director of Bands. The Clovis East Wind Ensemble has consistently received Unanimous Superiors at CMEA Ratings Festivals throughout the State of California since 2019, in performance and in sight reading. The Clovis East Wind Ensemble has worked with numerous clinicians over the years, most recently with Julie Giroux with their performance of “Symphony Number 4, Bookmarks from Japan.” The Clovis East Wind Ensemble is a member driven ensemble. Only 4 out of the 60 members are enrolled in private lessons. Because of this, the more experienced students are expected to instruct their younger peers in private lessons/sectionals to help them get to the next level of performance. All students create their own chamber ensembles which culminates in a chamber ensemble performance at the end of the spring semester.