CASMEC Lodging Information

Hotel Reservations for CASMEC 2026
will open in September.



Scam Warning regarding Hotels:
We have been notified that organizations misrepresenting themselves as housing vendors for CASMEC have been contacting attendees and exhibitors in an attempt to solicit business. Please be aware that these organizations are not sanctioned by CASMEC.  Neither the City of Sacramento, the host hotels, nor any official housing representative will make solicitations to attendees or exhibitors about housing. CASMEC partner organizations (CAJ, CBDA, CCDA, CMEA, & CODA) will send a notification to their memberships letting them know to visit the CASMEC website to book their hotel rooms. To ensure the validity of your reservations, please book your rooms directly by using the hotel links on the CASMEC Conference website.


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