CASMEC Registration and Cancellation Policies





CASMEC Registration and Cancellation Policies

The CASMEC Partners are California Alliance for Jazz (CAJ), California Band Directors Association (CBDA), California Choral Directors Association (CCDA), California Music Educators Association (CMEA), and California Orchestra Directors Association (CODA).

Refund Policies

Registration refunds are available for cancellation requests made through December 15th. All refunds will be reduced by a 15% refund fee. No registration refunds will be made for cancellations made after December 15th, except for emergency situations. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Refunds must be requested in writing (email is acceptable: All requests for refunds must be received no later than January 14th. Requests received after that date will not be processed. All requests are reviewed and issued after the conference is completed.

Indemnity Clause 

The CASMEC partner organizations reserve the right to change the conference/workshop content, timing, speakers, or venue without notice. CASMEC may be postponed or canceled due to acts of terrorism, war, extreme weather conditions, industrial action, fewer than expected delegates, pandemic, or any event beyond the control of the CASMEC partners. If such a situation arises, the CASMEC partners will endeavor to reschedule the event; however, the CASMEC partners cannot be held responsible for any cost, damage, or expenses that may be incurred by the registrant as a consequence of the event being postponed or canceled. Some registrants consider travel insurance to cover the cost of the registration, travel, and expenses for these types of situations. The CASMEC partners are not responsible for any registrant’s personal injury (i.e., physical, psychological, or emotional stress) or property damages while attending CASMEC. Conference registrants assume all risks inherent in attending CASMEC, whether before, during, or after the conference.

Photographic Release

By registering for or attending CASMEC and/or associated activities, you grant permission for the CASMEC partners the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish for editorial, trade, advertising, or any other purpose and in any manner and medium, including website and internet promotion, all photographic, audio, video, and digital images of you and your students at this event and activities pertaining to this event, without payment or any other consideration. By registering for or attending the CASMEC, you hereby release the CASMEC partners from all claims and liability relating to said photographs, audio, video, and digital images.

Code of Conduct

The CASMEC partners are dedicated to providing a positive environment of respect and civility for all attendees, including members, students, parents, speakers, clinicians, exhibitors, sponsors, staff, volunteers, and guests. All attendees are asked to follow all applicable laws and conference policies and refrain from physical and verbal harassment, bullying, disorderly conduct, or any actions or behaviors that create unsafe conditions or interfere with presentations or performances. Harassment, bullying, and sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including clinics, workshops, concerts, rehearsals, social events, online, and social media. Violations should be reported to convention center security or conference staff in a timely manner. Violators and their registered students may be expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the CASMEC partners. Please note the following items are prohibited at the conference: weapons, flares, fireworks, dangerous devices of any kind, illegal substances, and any other items deemed unacceptable by the conference leadership.

Assumption of Risk

By registering for/attending CASMEC, I understand that I must observe CDC, CDPH, and local health department guidance on infectious diseases. Attendees are encouraged to conduct a health self-evaluation before attending the conference and should refrain from attending if they have any symptoms of illness.

With full knowledge of the risks involved, therefore, I hereby release, waive, and discharge the CASMEC partners, their officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents, from any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, directly or indirectly arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, or death, that may be sustained by me while participating in this event or while in, on, or around the event.


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